The IGP Exam: New and Improved

As the world’s leading membership organization serving professionals who manage and govern information, ARMA is pleased to announce the release of its updated Information Governance Professional (IGP) Certification Exam. As of July 15th, 2022, professionals in information governance, information management, as well as information security, technology, and privacy have access to the new and improved IGP Certification Exam. 

The IGP is the premier certification focused exclusively on the high-level, strategic practice of information governance. The IGP designation is a requirement for many roles today, including the roles of Director of Information Governance, Information Governance Manager, Information Manager, Director of Information, Director of Information Management, Chief Data Officer (CDO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Chief Privacy Officer (CPO), among others.

ARMA understands the value of certifications, which is why the IGP board has teamed up with Professional Testing, Inc. (PTI) to update and improve the IGP exam. PTI’s staff includes psychometricians and certification experts, including members of the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). PTI provided guidance throughout the exam updating process, ensuring that the exam maintains the highest standards in accordance with ISO 17024. The new exam was developed by information governance subject matter experts and each of the questions has undergone evaluation during a trial period before being formally added to the exam as scored items.

“ARMA International and the IGP Board have been working diligently over the last six months updating the IGP Certification Exam to bolster the careers of our members and build their future path,” said Nathan Hughes, Executive Director, ARMA. “This prestigious industry certification demonstrates the strategic perspective and the requisite knowledge a leader needs to leverage information for maximum value while reducing the costs and mitigating the risks associated with this critical organizational asset.”

What is an IGP?

This exam is designed to measure the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform competently as an information governance professional. The exam’s competency requirements emanate from a comprehensive job-task-analysis study which defines the job description for the information governance professional as follows:

“An information governance professional creates and oversees programs to govern the information assets of the enterprise. This person partners with the business to facilitate innovation and competitive advantage while ensuring strategic and operational alignment of business, legal, compliance, and technology goals and objectives. The information governance professional oversees a program that supports organizational profitability, productivity, efficiency, and protection.”

Why You Need the IGP

The IGP certification will distinguish you from others in the profession and, in turn, help you advance your career. The skills and knowledge it indicates empower you to advance your organization’s goals as you take the lead in leveraging its information assets and minimizing its risk. In the graphic, note how the IGP credential is centered and has a stake in the other prominent information-related designations. Legally defensible IG requires ongoing collaboration among the business areas shown in the graphic: business/audit, legal, privacy, RIM, and IT.

What has Changed?

Under the leadership of Past President Jason Stearns, who helped to create the certification program in 2012, the exam updating process included a revalidation study; job task analysis survey; revalidation report; updated exam blueprint; item writing and item review workshop; new item bank; and new exam form. ARMA International pilot tested the updated IGP exam May 1 – June 18, 2022. Following the pilot testing, the exam items were reviewed, verified, and updated as necessary.

The new examination blueprint for the certification includes the following eight sections of content with the specific duties and tasks:

  1. Steering Committee: Information Governance Leadership (IGP) and Management, Business Units, Technology, Legal, Risk/Compliance, Privacy, and Security.
  2. Authorities: Organizational Culture, Risk Tolerance, Regulations, Standards/Best Practices, Privacy Requirements, and Internal Authoritative Framework.
  3. Supports: Project Management, Communications, Organizational Learning & Training, and Help Desk/FAQ’s.
  4. Procedural Framework: Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Guidelines; Roles; Benchmarking; and Accountability.
  5. Capabilities: Information Access, Protection, Privacy, and Search.
  6. Information Lifecycle: Capture, Collaboration, Version Control, Retention, Legal Holds and eDiscovery, and Disposition.
  7. Architecture: (i.e., Strategic) Information and Technology Architecture, Taxonomy, Metadata, and Formats and Protocols.
  8. Infrastructure: (i.e., Logistical and operational) Application and Software Content Services and APIs, Information Transport, Storage Platforms, and Information Security.

During ARMA International’s InfoCon trade show and conference, Jason Stearns, CRM, IGP, CIPP/US, CIPM, Senior Consultant for Information Governance, Data Privacy, and Records Management for Arrayo will lead a full day Information Governance Implementation Model (IGIM) workshop which offers the fundamental knowledge for the IGP Certification. The workshop will take place on Saturday, October 15 from 9 am – 5 pm at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, TN.  For more information, click here.

“While the IGIM Pre-Conference Workshop is not an IGP Certification Exam prep course, many of the same principles are discussed and therefore this is a highly recommended workshop to attend for anyone interested in taking the IGP Exam,” said Jason Stearns. “The IGIM is a useful tool used to connect various stakeholders of information governance, bridge policy and technology through common understanding and unified implementation, and foundational concepts needed to advance a career as an IGP. The IGIM v.2.0 was released in April 2022, and this workshop will provide a deep dive into the changes to the model and the IG profession overall.”

To learn more about the Information Governance Professional Certification, click here.

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