Unlocking Dynamic Records and Information Management

Records and Information Management (RIM) is a business component vital to organizational success, yet it is rarely an organization’s top priority. Underpinning RIM practices at an organizational level is imperative to meeting legal requirements...

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Chronicle of a Records Manager: Controlling the Chaos of Disaster Response and Recovery

In the field of records management, there are logistical and large-scale projects that can challenge and perplex RIM professionals. These undertakings require planning, communication, documentation, and collaboration to be successful. In some instances,...

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The Impact of Data Protection Laws on Your Records Retention Schedule

It is essential that your organization’s records retention schedule is compliant with the data protection requirements in the jurisdictions where your organization operates. This task may seem overwhelming since jurisdictions around the world are...

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Defensible Disposition Program: Article One—Let’s get down to Basics

For as long as there has been communication and work, there has been a means of documenting and tracking it. Sales receipts, pay stubs, tax documents, letters, memoranda, and beyond all have value at one time or another. Sometimes, those records need...

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Which Records Should We Retain in Paper? A Global Guide to Media, Location, and Transfer Compliance

Just tell me which records we must retain in paper! This is a common frustration among records managers and information governance (IG) professionals. Those responsible for maintaining and producing records want to retain or transfer their records...

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